The third annual Nova Scotia Craft Beer Week is nearly upon us! It is presented by the Craft Brewers Association of Nova Scotia, whose member base includes 34 breweries from across the province. With events scheduled May 5-14 and from Sydney to Yarmouth, we thought it would be helpful to put them into a Calendar that can be added to your favourite app/phone, and a Map to help plan out your travels for the week.
As always, if we’ve missed an event, please hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, we are @ACBeerBlog on all of them, and we’ll add it to our list. Use #NSCraftBeerWeek to stay on top of the latest goings ons. Be sure to say Hi! if you see Aaron or Chris (or both, on Wednesday at The AXEcellent Trivia at Timber Lounge!). Cheers to Local Beers!
NS Craft Beer Week Calendar
Click the top-right to switch views between Week/Month/Agenda.
Add this to Outlook or iCal.
NS Craft Beer Week Map
Click the top-left button to see the legend (there’s a layer for each day, can select only those days you would like).
Click the top-right button to embiggen the map in a new window.