Hey folks. As alluded to in our wrap-up post on October 11, we’re still on vacation this week (well, two of us are, anyway, the third is just a fop and a work shy lush). That’s not to say, though, that there hasn’t been any news in the Atlantic Canada beer world, just that we haven’t been doing our usual time in the blog mines collecting and collating it before wrapping it in dulcet prose and presenting it to you in a timely fashion with a pretty bow on top. And a pony*. So once again this week, we invite you to hop on the social media platform of your choice, search up your favorite brewery (or one you’ve maybe been intrigued by but haven’t yet explored), and see what they’ve got going on this week. We fully intend to be back at it next week, rested, refreshed, and ready to inform and entertain you. More probably we’ll be haggard, stressed, and reaching for dated Simpsons references, but let’s pretend to be optimistic for a few more days.
* Didn’t get your pony? Please visit our complaints department**.
** There is no complaints department. There are also no ponies.