5 comments on “Friday Wrap-Up for April 26, 2024, The Final One – News from Around Atlantic Canada

  1. I’d like to thank you folks and anyone else who helped contribute to it over the years. I know it has been a awful lot of work but it has been appreciated by the readers and the breweries who got to highlight their new and returning beers. Thanks for the time and effort! – Kirk Annand (Retired Brewer and present Beer Drinker)

  2. Thank you, folks, for the amazing coverage over the years! The Atlantic craft beer scene owes you a debt of gratitude for boosting our weekly releases, events and other news. Truly appreciate all you have done for all of us. Cheers to the next chapter!

  3. Thanks, guys, for all the weekly updates. And to you, Chris, for your partnership on what might have been the Big Craft Brew Battle. It’s been great keeping up with what all the local breweries have been up to. Best of luck to all of you on your new adventures.

  4. I subscribed to your newsletter in early 2020 when an orangutan was elected into office but I soon became addicted to reading the various brews described and adapting recipes for my homebrewing experiments. Please continue to at least do the brewery profiles to feed my habit and help with vacation planning. Thank you for all that you have done already, and all your future efforts!!

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